Asbestosis and Pleural fibrosis are benign disease that develops slowly progressive. Asbestos can cause the destruction or deterioration of lung function, including reduced lung capacity, restrict breathing and decreased ability to transfer oxygen into the bloodstream.
Others in the literature mentions that Asbestosis is a process developed slowly diffuse interstitial station of nodal pulmonary fibrosis is not aerobic alveoli and pleura.
Asbestosis is a chronic progressive disease caused by air containing asbestos dust. Usually, the dust in the lungs during breathing. Depending on the size of the dust inhalation. As the size of the dust entering the respiratory tract, and increases the risk of accumulation of dust in the lungs.
Powder dust for a period of three, such as cotton dust, leaves and dust, tobacco etc., and the powder metallurgy is a powder which is complex compounds such as SiO2, SiO3 and arangbatu, and powder metal powder is containing organic metal elements. Powder size effect on the incidence of respiratory diseases.
Dust may be retained with the size of 5-10 microns from upper respiratory tract, and be stopped 3-5 microns of the central airway of 0.1 to 3 microns and up to the cell surface, 0 , 5-1 micron landed on the surface of cells / mucous membranes and cause pulmonary fibrosis, 0.1 to 0.5 microns, while floating on the surface of the cell.
" Asbestosis " occurs by asbestos dust with a latent period of 10-20 years. Asbestos is a mixture of silicate of the most important is a combination of magnesium. If inhaled asbestos fibers are deposited in the lungs, affecting the parenchymal tissue of the lungs, into the scar tissue.
Inhalation of asbestos can also cause pleural thickening. Occurs after long-term exposure to asbestos and heavy, for example in the mining sector, and is therefore regarded as an occupational lung disease. Occurs after long-term exposure to asbestos and heavy, for example in the field of mining.
Asbestos fibers are composed of silicates with different chemical composition. Asbestos is a mineral that can be woven like wool. Asbestos is a mineral that can be woven as wool, which is a natural product known heat-resistant and inorganic corrosion, do not pass, and acid-resistant high-power electrical power, as well as fiber powerful and flexible, and tissues together easily and widely used in buildings and industrial installations.
Some of the most common uses in pipes and pipe insulation and fireproofing materials, brake linings and clutch, cement and vinyl floor tiles.
There are several types of glass powder Asbestosis :
1 chrysotile
2 crocidolite
3 Anthrophylite
4 tremolite
5 Aktinolat
The asbestos most commonly used types is chrysotile, because the fiber length and stronger. In a series of short but more acid resistant and chemically stable, amphiboles. Fibrogenik against lung is stronger than the carcinogen silica.
In the lungs, and there are a large number of "body" of asbestos that asbestos fibers are coated with protein. Often, asbestos fibers must be separated by hand, resulting in a small role in the fingers and spines, thorns called asbestos. Interstitial fibrosis, pleural thickening and adhesions, as is the case of peritoneal fibrosis.
The lungs become stiff because it's not small pleura and may also be found calcium and lung mesothelioma malignant pleural mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer. Increased incidence of mesothelioma associated with inhalation of asbestos fibers in the workplace.
Although the initial symptoms a bit, and can be cured if diagnosed mesothelioma correctly. The time between exposure to asbestos and the onset of signs of tumors from 20 to 50 years, especially mesothelioma. Given the increased incidence of mesothelioma among people who also, although not as occupational exposure, workers lived in the house with asbestos or lived around sources of emission of asbestos.
Although asbestos is no longer used as insulation, this article is still in the spotlight because of the danger that comes from the use of asbestos building.
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