Selasa, 09 September 2014

How Does Asbestos Affect The Body ?


Asbestosis is caused by long-term inhalation of asbestos fibers. Persons with occupational mining, manufacturing, manipulation or removal of asbestos exposure are at risk for asbestosis. There is an increased risk of lung cancer and mesothelioma associated with an increased risk of lung cancer and " mesothelioma " risk associated with the risk for asbestosis asbestosis. 

There is risk is related to the total dose received and the duration of exposure to asbestos in asbestos. In general, microorganisms, dust and other foreign particles from the air we breathe to be filtered by the nose hair, causing coughing reflex. 

Because asbestos particles (amphibole) long, very thin, microscopic and light enters the nose cannot be filtered by the nose hair, causing asbestos particles can enter the respiratory occupational exposure is the most common cause asbestosis but also provided at the entrance of the airways of these particles in the alveolar gas and existing gas exchange 300 million. 

Each cell has a large number of cells called cells macrophages ingest  cleaning airborne particles. The alveoli are very thin elastic walls that allow the exchange of gases vital to your health - the flow of oxygen from the alveoli into the blood to nourish the body and the flow of carbon dioxide waste from the blood into the alveoli and the lungs to be expelled .

Alveoli very thin elastic that allows gas exchange is important for health. The oxygen passes from the blood cells in the body to the power source, and carbon dioxide from the blood to the alveoli and bronchi unwrapped. Asbestos fibers can be easily separated and are small enough to be inhaled deep into the asbestos to be removed easily lungs. 

Fiber and small enough to be inhaled into the lungs. When inhaled into the lungs, the lung defense cells try to destroy asbestos fibers, but the defense mechanisms of the body can not break asbestos. If the inhaled into the lungs and the fibers reach the alveoli (air sacs) - lung in the Lungs where oxygen is transferred into the blood, foreign bodies (asbestos fibers) cause the activation of the lungs.

Lung defense cells try to destroy asbestos fibers, but the defense mechanisms of the body can not destroy asbestos, including macrophages. Macrophages trying to swallow a fiber of asbestos, often fails because the fiber is too long. 

In prose that macrophages secrete substances to destroy foreign objects, but they can also damage cells. This leads to the appearance of scar tissue in the wound and form of the cells is a process called fibrosis. Then, the asbestos fibers to remain can't be filtered in and cause lung inflammation and scarring.

The lung tissue causing thickened alveolar walls reduces the elasticity and the ability to exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide. Therefore, decreased lung capacity, reduces the exchange of oxygen and is felt increasingly short of breath time. More than 50% of people who develop asbestosis exposed with plaques in the parietal pleura, the space between the chest wall and the lung. 

Patients dry crackling inspired club, and the mode of propagation in the lower lobe pulmonary fibrosis, which is the case more often affected with asbestosis. The fibers are inhaled, ingested by alveolar macrophages reach the alveoli, C5a stimulates the release of the trailer and chemicals (chemoattractant) in second place. 

Ambifol (hetero hard) into the lungs in the fiber coil, which results in an increase in pathogenicity. More asbestos inhaled by macrophages, the remaining to reach the interstitium and lymph vessels. Some fibers are inhaled surrounded by hemosiderin and glycoproteins to form a dumbbell Jicin asbestos, pearls and features.
The accumulation of inhaled fibers in a given period of time, the type and resistance, and the effect of fiber size and fibrogenisitas carcinogenicity. Early asbestosis varies cumulative levels of inhaled fibers, more levels of accumulation, the greater the incidence of asbestosis.

The mechanism of progressive fibrosis of lung injury may include :

• Release of toxic or free by macrophages / neutrophils radical enzymes were attracted to the place of deposit of asbestos. 

• Fibrogenik release of cytokines and growth by alveolar macrophages after the phagocytosis of the fibers factors.
• Stimulation of collagen formation by fibroblasts asbestos.
All types of fibers comprising asbestos fibers in the lungs. Amphibole crocidolite asbestos fibers in a particularly clear and significantly more cancer in the pleura. The diameter of the fibers is less than 3 microns because fibrogenik can penetrate the cell membrane.

The existence imflamasi stimulate macrophages in the alveoli. Asbestos activates macrophages to produce a variety of growth factors including fibronectin and platelets, which are interconnected to affect the growth of fibroblasts.

Free oxygen (eg, superoxide anion, hydrogen peroxide, hydroxyl) released by macrophages destroy proteins and lipids that support the inflammatory process. A plasminogen activator, which is released by macrophages, which causes damage to the lung interstitium, and glycoproteins of the matrix is ​​reduced.

In addition to pulmonary fibrosis, pleural asbestos stimulates reactions such as :

1. Efusi benigna

2. Adhesi Pleura Fibrosa
3. Fibrokalsifik Pleural Plaques in solid or diaphragm.

Plates calcification times; jisim not contain asbestos. Asbestos exposure is also associated with an increased risk of lung cancer and malignant mesothelioma .

" If it is exposed to Mesothelioma, intensive care should be "

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