Symptoms of asbestosis appear gradually emerged just after the formation of scar tissue in large amounts and the lungs lose their elasticity. The first symptoms are shortness of breath and reduced exercise capacity light is also characterized by a dry cough.
Approximately 15% of patients with severe
respiratory distress and respiratory failure. Hard as lung disease and
increase the damage, shortness of breath occurs even at rest patients. Heavy smokers with chronic bronchitis and " asbestosis ", with cough
and shortness of breath.
Inhalation of asbestos fibers can lead to an
accumulation of fluid in the space between the two membranes surrounding
the lungs and pulmonary symptoms. Complaints very slow, it takes 7-10
years. In particular, the brevity of doing business. Nonproductive
cough, more frequent and more powerful than silicosis. If the cough is
usually the blood existing lung cancer. Substernal chest pain, weight
On physical examination at the initial stage often found abnormalities and the presence of asbestos bodies in the sputum of workers (2 months). In this advanced stage cyanosis and clubbing. Clubbing is often associated with advanced disease. If there are abnormalities in the light and cancer associated interstitial lung fibrosis workers.
Slow breathing, balanced, great signs of movement fibrosis. Cyanosis will intensify when you do physical activity, wheezing can also be obtained. Ronkhi can be heard (at the end of inspiration or upon inhalation) in basal lung, occurring in> 60% of patients with asbestosis.
Ronkhi depends on the dose and exposure can
occur in standard X-rays. A risk of pulmonary tuberculosis, asbestosis
was not obtained, but here we found an increased risk of lung cancer.
The risk of pleural mesothelioma or thickening is great. There may also
be changes clubs or fingers nails (finger shape that looks like a
percussion drum).
Generally, decades after a person is exposed to asbestos for the first time before becoming asbestosis. Asbestosis and asbestos pleural disease develops slowly. Maybe for those who have undergone the treatment, but not at the end.
The first symptoms of asbestosis often short of breath after a workout or other physical activity. The early phase of the disease is also characterized by a dry cough. The disease progression and increased lung damage, shortness of breath occurs even when the patient is at rest. Recurrent and are usually characterized by coughing up blood respiratory infections.
Other symptoms of asbestosis are chest pain, snoring and insomnia. Another difficulty can include heart, lung collapse and pleuritis. In heavy chronic bronchitis and asbestosis smoking, you have a cough and shortness of breath.
Asbestosis individual susceptibility may vary according to the respiratory tract and other unknown factors examination. Those who smoke have a greater risk of developing asbestosis, which can be linked to asbestos fibers in mucociliary risk tests.
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